The Program for development of the Southeast planning region for the period 2021 – 2026 was adopted

On April 15, 2021, the twenty-seventh (XXVII) regular session of the Council for Development of the Southeast Planning Region was held, at which the Head of the Center for Development of SEPR, Ms. Julieta Gjurkova presented to the audience the Program for Development of the Southeast Planning Region for period from 2021-2026.

The elaboration of the new Program for development of the Southeast Planning Region 2021-2026 is based on the selfless involvement of all stakeholders from the public, private and civil sector, and especially from the employees of the Local Economic Development Departments in the municipalities of the Southeast Planning Region, in order to create on a quality medium-term strategic document and basis for future cooperation and joint implementation of the Program.

Following the prior consent of the Council for Balanced Regional Development of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the Program for Development of the Southeast Planning Region for the period 2021 – 2026 was unanimously adopted by the Council for Development of the Southeast Planning Region.

The preparation and content of the Program is fully prepared in accordance with the framework and content of the Rulebook on the methodology for preparation of planning documents for regional development, adopted by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and is harmonized with the Regional Development Strategy of the Republic of Northern Macedonia 2021 – 2031 .
The process of preparation of the Program for Development of the Southeast Planning Region is supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government through the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”, which is implemented with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Northern Macedonia.
The program can be found at the following link: