Zero-waste, energy-efficient farming communities in the cross-border area
The ZEFFIROS project aims to implement the first, unique, pilot installations for energy production from biogas in both program areas, designed and managed through inter-municipal cooperation and based on cross-border
Development and implementation of the health index for transboundary air pollution
Real-time air pollution monitoring is now more necessary than ever. Air pollution is one of the most significant factors that pose a threat to human health worldwide.
Promotion of tourism and culture through water
The “ToCulter” project has the general objective of creating a common tourist identity based on guided tours, specialized according to the identity of the location and through an innovative platform
Integrated system for sustainable management of the Dojran Lake ecosystem
The main strategic objective of the project is to establish a permanent, joint mechanism within the framework for sustainable management and development based on ecological and socio-economic axes in the
Promoting alternative tourism in the cross-border area focused on well-being activities, together with the promotion of quality agricultural products and food products, to create employment opportunities
NETOURAL гради прекугранична мрежа која ги поврзува приватните и јавните актери од двете земји кои се посветени на развивање и имплементација на иновативен модел
Joint actions to protect and improve public health in the cross-border area
The overall objective of the IpA Shield project is to improve the effectiveness of primary and preventive healthcare services in the cross-border area by upgrading existing medical services and equipment
Innovation, development and employment in the agricultural sector
IDEAS: “Innovation, Development and Employment in the Agri-Food Sector” is a project that capitalizes on the advantages of the agriculture and food sectors in the cross-border area, which has not
Increasing innovative business related to the sea, environment and agriculture and IT
The general objective of the project is to strengthen entrepreneurship in the cross-border area. Specifically, the project aims to establish new individuals, enterprises in the field of the sea, agriculture
Primary Health Care Network
The HEALTHNET project aims to improve access to primary health care in rural cross-border areas where the population has difficult access to health units. Specifically, a mobile health unit will