Construction of a sewage system for fecal wastewater in Star Dojran for st. Veljko Vlahović and part of st. Nikola Karev

Modern road and utility infrastructure is a basic prerequisite for stimulating development in the planning regions. The South-East planning region largely lacks systematic regulation of wastewater. The aim of the
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Smart Electricity for Buildings – Centers of Vocational Excellence

The project “Smart Electricity for Buildings” – Center for Professional Excellence aims to develop Centers for Professional Development in the field of smart electricity for buildings, which will support regional
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Improving the Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in the South-East Planning Region

This project envisages improving energy efficiency and reducing electricity consumption in public buildings in three municipalities: Bosilovo, Gevgelija and Radovish
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Take action – protect the environment!

In this project, the activities are aimed at protecting and improving the environment by improving the communal infrastructure and systems for receiving stormwater and wastewater in the municipalities of Vasilevo,
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Dojran – Mediterranean pearl in the South-East

This project envisages the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the existing path along the Dojran Lake, which has a total length of 5 km
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The South-East Region – an opportunity for new tourist adventures!

This project envisages the enrichment of tourist content and improvement of the tourist road infrastructure in the region, which tourists will be able to enjoy throughout the year.
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E-chargers for electric vehicles: Technical documentation

The project aims to lay the foundations for the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility through the construction of a network of electric vehicle charging stations. This infrastructure will
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This project envisages the construction of photovoltaic systems, i.e. the installation of photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of public facilities/buildings in the Мunicipality of Radovish.
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This project envisages the reconstruction or extension of the facilities of three Cultural Centers in three municipalities in the South-East Planning Region, namely in the village of Moin – Municipality
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