Adopted the Financial Plan for the work of the CPRIP and the Action Plan for implementation of the Program for balanced regional development of the South-East Planning Region for 2021

On December 30, 2020, due to the pandemic Covid-19, through the ZOOM platform, the XXIV (twenty-fourth) and last Session of the Council for Development of the South-East Planning Region for 2020 was held online, attended by the mayors of the municipalities in the region and the Manager of The Centre for development of the South-East Planning Region.

The Manger of the Centre Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova presented the draft Financial Plan for work of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region for 2021, as well as the draft Action Plan for 2021 for implementation of the Programme for balanced regional development of the South-East region which were unanimously adopted at the session.

At this Session, the decisions for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the local road from the village of Borievo to the village of Koleshino in the municipality of Bosilovo and the municipality of Novo Selo were also unanimously adopted; the decision for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the local road from point with R 604 road Strumica – Dojran with junction P-611 road Valandovo – Gevgelija in the municipality of Dojran and the decisions for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the road Bogorodica – Stojakovo, crossroads with regional road Gevgelija – Bogorodica first phase of the municipality of Bogdanci and second phase of the municipality of Gevgelija, were also adopted.

Improved capacities of 4 Day Centers for persons with physical and mental disabilities

Within the project “Creating conditions for better social inclusion of people with disabilities in the South-East planning region” funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation, a series of trainings were held on gaining skills for occupational orientation and rules for playing of the Paralympic sports discipline “Boccia” in 4 Day Centers for people with disabilities in the South-East planning region.

Within the project “Creating conditions for better social inclusion of people with disabilities in the South-East planning region” funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation, a series of trainings were held on gaining skills for occupational orientation and rules for playing of the Paralympic sports discipline “Boccia” in 4 Day Centers for people with disabilities in the South-East planning region.

Participants in the trainings were employees and volunteers, users and parents of users in the Day Care Centers who through theoretical and practical sessions got acquainted with the rules of playing the Paralympic sports discipline Boccia, textile printing techniques with the help of screen printing, making handmade decorations with various themes with the help of a Potters’ wheel and silicone molds.

Namely, within the project, implemented by the Centre for development of the South-East planning region, the Day Centers for persons with disabilities in Valandovo, Gevgelija, Radovish and Strumica are equipped with props and equipment for work occupation, psychomotor development and access to any object.

Potter’s wheel, weaving loom, equipment for the sport Boccia, screen printing for printing various topics on fabric and paper, Crawlers stair lift, tricycles, interactive devices, soft play equipment and various materials for making decorative souvenirs are part of the equipment that enriches the existing educational program that the end users have received, while the provided transporters for wheelchairs (Crawler stair lift) in the future will enable uninterrupted participation of these people in various events that take place inside objects that do not have adequate access for people with physical disabilities.

It is a project that contributes in the field of raising awareness for the inclusion of people with various disabilities in the social life in the region as well as improving the daily stay in the Day Centers.

The procured equipment and the acquired knowledge will enable long-term changes in the way of working with people with various disabilities regarding the improvement of working capabilities, increasing labor market and social inclusion involvement at regional level.

Public call for submitting a loan application from the Micro and Small Enterprise Fund

Dear, The public call for submitting a loan application from the Fund for Micro and Small Enterprises for direct support of micro and small companies, sole proprietors and craftsmen who pay real income tax and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia, the KOVID 3 call, will be announced on 16.12.2020, the application starts at 00:01. The criterion for allocation of funds is based on the principle “FIRST COMING, FIRST SERVED” for borrowers who meet the criteria for loan approval. The public call is published on the following link: .

For additional information, please contact Dance Pop-Ivanova Ilieva, tel. 071 / 364-934, e-mail:

The Program for development of the South-East planning region for the next four-year period 2020-2024 is in the final stage of preparation

On 02.12.2020, virtually on the online platform ZOOM was held the Final Conference, where the working draft version of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024 was presented. The Conference was attended by the Mayors – members of the Council for development of the South-East planning region, representatives of the Ministry of Local Self-Government and other stakeholders from the South-East region (representatives of municipalities, public institutions, private and civil society).

The Final Conference was opened with an introductory speech by Mr. Kosta Janevski, President of the Council for development of the South-East planning region and Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova, Head of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region. In her welcoming speech, Ms. Gjurkova emphasized that the Program for development of the South-East planning region is one of the most important documents not only for the Centre but also for all municipalities, civil society organizations and the business sector in the region and she also clarified that the Program will be in accordance with the National Strategy for Regional Development and will be adopted by the Council of SEPR with the prior consent of the Council for Balanced Regional Development of Republic of North Macedonia.

The expert team presented the draft version of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024, the entire process of preparation of the Program, involvement and the contribution of stakeholders, productivity and work of past workshops for the development of the Program, as well as activities that were realized between the sessions.

The conference ended with a fruitful discussion where the mayors of the region and all stakeholders had the opportunity to express remarks, suggestions, and comments regarding the presented medium-term document of the South-East planning region.

“The Program for development of the SEPR  is quite comprehensive and in the future with all relevant factors and stakeholders we will fight the proposed strategic goals to gain greater significance with hope that the South-East planning region will receive a higher percentage in the allocation of funds to the regions. I think that there are many more challenges ahead of us, especially in the area of ​​infrastructure and I hope that all together we will succeed in achieving some of those challenges in the upcoming period.” – highlight for the end Mr.Kosta Janevski, President of the Council for development of the SEPR.

The process of preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region  is supported by the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”, which is implemented with financial support from the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Republic of North Macedonia.

Training for operating with the Command Center in the frame of the project HELP

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region together with the company Trinity Systems from Skopje have organized three day training for operating with the Command Center supplied in the frame of the project „Integrated Operation Center for Providing Humanitarian Assistance – HELP“, co-financed by European Union and National Funds of the participating countries within the Interreg IPA Programme for cross border cooperation between Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020.

The trainings were held on November 2, 11 and 12, 2020, combined, the first one in Strumica at the place where the Command Center itself is located, and the other two online through the ZOOM platform.

The purpose of these trainings was to acquaint all stakeholders about the functioning of the Command Center and the way of handling the equipment installed in it.

At the first training, the equipment placed inside was reviewed in detail, and the manner of opening and closing the additional part of the Cabin was presented through a video presentation. Training was also provided on the use of the satellite and radio station and training on the use of the alarm system. Participants in this training were representatives of the Crisis Management Center from Skopje as well as from the Regional Centers from the South-East region.

At the second training, a presentation of the software application made for the needs of the project and the functioning of the Command Center was made. This training was intended for users, i.e. representatives of the Crisis Management Center and they were introduced to the Incident Management Software, its general and specific functionalities, and it was all rounded off with a practical exercise.

The third day of the training held on 12.11.2020 was divided into three parts. In the first part, a training was held for the administrators of the software system, in the second part a pilot action was organized where based on the set scenario the functionality of the system was tested in real circumstances, i.e. in flood conditions. The third part of this training was intended for presentation of the Command Center to other local stakeholders (municipalities, NGOs, fire fighting units, Red Cross, Directorate for Protection and Rescue) who should also use it in case of natural disasters and it is necessary to get acquainted with the installed equipment and how it is used.

By the end of the project an info day is planned to be organized, where the general public will be informed about the activities and results of the project, as well as a two-day pilot action where the Command Centers on both sides of the border and their connection between the two will be presented and tested in front of all stakeholders.


Held the Second Regional Workshop for preparation of the Program for development of the Southeast planning region 2020-2024

On 11.11.2020 virtually on the online platform ZOOM was held the Second regional workshop for preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024 which was attended by representatives of stakeholders from the Southeast planning region (representatives of municipalities, public institutions, private and civil sector).

At the Second Workshop, the draft Vision for the Development Program of the Southeast Planning Region 2020-2024 was presented, as well as the strategic areas proposed by the previous workshop. Then the participants started working in groups where they focused on defining the strategic goals, priorities and measures for the Development Program of the Southeast Planning Region 2020-2024, preparation of the Action Plan for implementation of the Program, as well as defining the necessary funds and resources. of funding taking into account gender responsive budgeting.

The process of preparing the Program for Development of the Southeast Planning Region is supported by the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”, which is implemented with financial support from the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in RS. Macedonia.

The Final Conference, where will be present the Draft Version of the Program for Development of the South-East Planning Region 2020-2024, is scheduled to be held on 02.12.2020.

Held the first regional workshop for preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024

On October 21, 2020, was held the First Regional Workshop for preparation of the Program for Development of the South-East Planning Region 2020-2024 in the Army Hall in Strumica. The meeting was in accordance with the protocol for implementation of protection measures from Covid-19 and was attended by representatives of stakeholders from the South-East planning region (representatives of municipalities, public institutions, private and civil sector).

The key findings from the sectoral analyzes for determining the current situation in the region were presented at the workshop, the priority strategic areas for the next planning period were determined, groups were formed in which the participants worked on preparing SWOT analyzes for the specific priority strategic areas.
Finally, the Vision for the region for the next five years was defined and the areas in which the measures and activities will be implemented in order to define the desired situation in the South-East region in 2024.

The process of preparing the Program for Development of the South-East Planning Region is supported by the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”, which is implemented with financial support from the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in R. North Macedonia.

The second regional workshop for preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024, is scheduled to be held on November 11, 2020.

The process for preparation of the Program for development for the South-East planning region 2020-2024 has started

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region, within its competencies arising from the Law on Balanced Regional Development, started the process of preparation of the medium-term planning document – the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024, with that on 06.10. 2020 was held the introductory consultative meeting of the stakeholders for the preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024.

The purpose of the introductory meeting was to acquaint the participants with the process and methodology for preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region 2020-2024. The meeting took place online on the ZOOM platform, where about 20 representatives from all stakeholders in the region were actively involved, as follows: representatives of the ten municipalities of the region, representatives of the public sector, private sector, civil society organizations, academic community, as well as other relevant stakeholders from the South-East planning region.

The procedure for preparation of the Program is of special importance for the South-East planning region and will take place in several phases, in accordance with the Guide on the methodology for preparation of planning documents for regional development.

The process of preparation of the Program for development of the South-East planning region is supported by the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”, which is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Republic of North Macedonia.

Fourth spraying against adult mosquitoes on land in the municipalities of Dojran and Gevgelija

The citizens from the municipalities of Dojran and Gevgelija are informed that the fourth spraying against adult mosquitoes will be performed on 06.10.2020, with the following schedule:

1. On 06.10.2020 (Tuesday), in the period from 16.00 to 18.00 in the municipality of Dojran;

2. On 06.10.2020 (Tuesday), starting at 20.00 in the municipality of Gevgelija.

The owners of bee families are informed to take appropriate measures for protection,  to close them in the announced period.

Fourth ground spraying against adult mosquitoes in the South-East planning region

We inform all citizens of the 10 municipalities in the South-East planning region that a fourth ground treatment against adult mosquitoes will be performed, with the following schedule:

1. On 30.09.2020 (Wednesday), in the period from 16 to 18 hours in the Municipalities of Konche, Radovish, Vasilevo, Strumica;

2. On 01.10.2020 (Thursday), in the period from 16 to 18 hours in the Municipalities of Novo Selo, Bosilovo, Valandovo и Bogdanci.

For performing the fourth ground treatment against adult mosquitoes, the citizens of the Мunicipalities of Dojran and Gevgelija will be additionally informed.

The owners of bee families are informed to take appropriate protection measures, i.e to close them within the announced time period.