On December 30, 2020, due to the pandemic Covid-19, through the ZOOM platform, the XXIV (twenty-fourth) and last Session of the Council for Development of the South-East Planning Region for 2020 was held online, attended by the mayors of the municipalities in the region and the Manager of The Centre for development of the South-East Planning Region.
The Manger of the Centre Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova presented the draft Financial Plan for work of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region for 2021, as well as the draft Action Plan for 2021 for implementation of the Programme for balanced regional development of the South-East region which were unanimously adopted at the session.
At this Session, the decisions for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the local road from the village of Borievo to the village of Koleshino in the municipality of Bosilovo and the municipality of Novo Selo were also unanimously adopted; the decision for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the local road from point with R 604 road Strumica – Dojran with junction P-611 road Valandovo – Gevgelija in the municipality of Dojran and the decisions for handover and transfer of use and maintenance of the road Bogorodica – Stojakovo, crossroads with regional road Gevgelija – Bogorodica first phase of the municipality of Bogdanci and second phase of the municipality of Gevgelija, were also adopted.