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Construction of a flood prevention and early warning system

Short description of the project

The project aims to achieve significant positive impact, sustainable change and lasting improvements in the eligible cross-border region, in terms of flood risk assessment, prevention, management and mitigation of the consequences of floods on the territory of Valandovo and the municipality of Kresna.

The project objectives are: to achieve integrated monitoring, evaluation and prevention of floods in the cross-border region, through specialized water monitoring equipment; improving emergency preparedness and intervention in the event of floods, introducing a joint flood risk management system in both municipalities; contributing to the development of a uniform cross-border concept for risk assessment of hydro-meteorological phenomena, developing a methodology for joint risk assessment, capacity building.


Municipality of Valandovo, Municipality of Kresna, Blagoevgrad

Total budget

382.459,61 €

Funded by

Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020


This will be achieved by purchasing specific water monitoring equipment (purchase of two measuring stations), in the municipality of Valandovo and the municipality of Kresna, which will be installed on some of the identified dangerous sections in the basins of the two rivers in the two municipalities, Valandovo and Kresna. The equipment will be connected to a common integrated monitoring system, which will be purchased and installed in Valandovo, but will be used by both municipalities via an internet connection.

Two detailed working projects for flood risk zones for the riverbeds in the targeted cross-border municipalities will be prepared, including photography, evaluation and analysis of the current situation.


24 months


The project aims to achieve significant positive impact, sustainable change and lasting improvements in the eligible cross-border region, in terms of flood risk assessment, prevention, management and mitigation of the consequences of floods in the territory of Valandovo and the municipality of Kresna.



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