Promotion of projects funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of Local Self-Government

On February 13, 2020, the Centre for development of the South-East planning region at two locations promoted the projects: “Joint workspace – a means of strengthening cooperation with the business sector” and “Agrometeorological stations for protection of crops and the environment”, implemented with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of Local Self-Government.

The event started with a field visit in the municipality of Vasilevo where one of the 23 Agrometeorological stations is located, and then the solemn promotion continued in the premises of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region in Strumica.

Honorary guests at the event were the Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Northern Macedonia Ms. Sybille Suter Tejada, the Minister of Local Self-Government of the Republic of North Macedonia Mr. Goran Milevski, the President of the Council for development of the SEPR Mr. Kosta Janevski, as well as the Mayors from the municipalities of the South-East planning region.

At the promotion Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova, Manager of the CDSEPR presented the results of successfully implemented projects and stressed out that such regional projects will have a direct impact on improving the quality of life, regional cooperation and will promote an innovative approach in providing services to all stakeholders. 

These are projects that were selected in a participatory manner with the direct participation of the citizens of the South-East region through the Grant Scheme for investment and innovative projects through the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”.

At the event, the Manager of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region, Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova, awarded a letter of thanks to the Ambassador of Switzerland, Ms. Sybille Suter Tejada, for her special contribution to the Sustainable and Inclusive Planned Regional Development.

The two projects promoted by the Centre for development of the SEPR today will contribute towards improving the conditions for environmental protection by introducing new technologies in agriculture, by installing 23 agrometeorological stations in all municipalities in the region with special sensors that predict weather conditions and diseases for certain crops, as well as networking with the business sector through the establishment of a Joint Workspace in the region, to improve the entrepreneurial environment for business activities in the South-East region.


Presentation of the priorities of the region for development of projects in the field of social inclusion

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region organized a Second Forum Session for presentation of project proposals in the field of social inclusion within the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development” on 07.02.2020 at Hotel Sirius in Strumica.

Present at this session were also representatives from the Ministry of Local Self-Government, Ms. Bisera Jakimovska and Ms. Nade Petrusheva-Neskovski who gave important directions for improvement of the proposed concepts.

The participants presented five draft concepts in the field of social inclusion that were developed during the first forum session.

The draft concepts presented at the Second Forum Session were: Improving the conditions for education and stay of vulnerable groups in the South-East Planning Region, Training Center for Access to the Labor Market for Persons with Disabilities, Improving the Health Protection of Women in Rural Areas, Introducing social services to assist the elderly and frail and Protecting the Homeless, suggested by forum participants.

By the third forum session, these draft concepts will be refined and improved in cooperation with the working groups, and during the third forum, projects will be prioritized for funding for a grant from the Swiss Agency for Development and the Ministry of Local Self-Government, totaling 125,559.00 CHF.

In order to successfully implement the participatory process for selection of priority projects in the field of social inclusion in the region, the Centre for development of the South-East planning region will organize another forum session which will be held on 13.03.2020.

The project, which will be selected by donors for implementation, is expected to improve conditions for social inclusion in the South-East region.

15 representatives from South-East region awarded with Certificate of management and maintenance of Agro-meteorological stations

On 03.02.2020 in the offices of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region was held a training on „Digitization of the agriculture through the use of data from Agro-meteorological stations“, organized within the project “Agro-meteorological stations for protection of agricultural crops and the environment”.

Participants in the training were the nominees from all 10 municipalities in the region which gave important contribution to the implementation of the project activities and representatives from the academic sector.

During the training, were discussed the functionality of the stations for the target groups (agricultural holdings, individual farmers, business and academic sector consultants and consultants), the use of data provided and displayed on the „Meteobot“ mobile app, reading of graphics for forecast models of diseases of certain crops that will be displayed on the website as well as the way of maintaining all 7 sensors that are an integral part of each Agro-meteorological station.

Upon completion of the training, the Head of the Centre, Mrs. Gjurkova, awarded the participants with a Certificate of management and maintenance of the Agro-Meteorological stations located at several locations in all municipalities in the region.

After the implementation of the project, the stations will be handed over to all 10 municipalities from SEPR.

The Centre for development of SEPR started with the implementation of regional forum sessions for selection of priority projects in the field of social inclusion

Within the project “Sustainable and inclusive Balanced Regional Development” funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation, the Centre started the implementation of the second cycle of regional forum sessions within the open Grant scheme for investment projects of the planning regions in the area of ​​social inclusion for 2020.

The funds from the Grant Scheme will be allocated based on the level of underdevelopment of the regions. The maximum amount of funds that the South East region can receive, as a second region according its development, is 125,559.00  CHF.

Within the framework of the Grant scheme, the Centre is going to organize four forum sessions during which will be discussed the problems affecting the region and will be proposed solutions that will have be generated  and elaborated in project ideas / concepts for project proposals in the field of social inclusion.

At the first regional forum held on 31.01.2020 at hotel Sirius in Strumica, representatives of the municipalities, communities, Red Cross, NGOs, Centers for Social Work, business sector and other stakeholders in a participatory manner identified problems in the field of social inclusion and then suggested solutions that could be developed into project concepts.

The proposed solutions will be prepared in project proposals and presented by the working groups during the second forum session to be held on 07.02.2020 at Hotel Sirius, Strumica.

Workshop for identification of ideas for implementation of innovative project in the South-East planning region

At the offices of the Centre, the Regional Business Center in the Centre for development of SEPR organized workshop for identifying innovative ideas within the Grant scheme for innovative projects of the planning regions for 2020.

Within the project „Sustainable and inclusive Balanced Regional Development – Phase I“, a Grant scheme for innovative projects has been provided at which the Regional Business Center within the Centre for development of SEPR will apply for financial support of an innovative project worth EUR 38,980.00 CHF.

During the workshop, the participation rules and guidelines for applying were presented and after that followed up work session for proposal of innovative project ideas that would be of relevance to the region.

Based on the project ideas proposed by the municipalities, academia, NGOs and SMEs, the Regional Business Center will develop at least three project concepts that will be submitted to the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation.

The Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation will approve only one project that will be implemented by the Centre for development of SEPR  within this year.