In the premises of the Municipality of Radovish, on April 14, 2022, the VII (seventh) Session of the Council for development of the South-East planning region was held.
Besides the members of the Council, representatives of the SDC / Ministry of Local Self-Government were also present at the Session, as well as Prof. Dr. Boris Cizalj, regional management expert. Also Mr. Tihomir Petreski, external expert for preparation of concept solutions and project proposals was present.
According to the agenda, Prof. Dr. Boris Cizalj from Republic of Slovenia addressed the present, and presented his practices and experiences as a long-term expert in the field of regional development. The purpose of his presentation was through an open discussion with the mayors, to determine which countries, according to the planned Study visit of the members of the Council, can be visited and to exchange good practices that would be applicable in the South-East Planning Region, which activity is planned within the project “Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development”.
The external expert, Mr. Tihomir Petreski presented the concept solutions for project applications through the Balanced Regional Development Program for 2022 with indicatively planned funds for 2023 of MLS / BRR and Grant Scheme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), which were proposed at the First Forum Session, in order for the members of the Council to get acquainted with the proposed concepts and to give their opinion and recommendations for improvement.
The Code of Ethics and six Policies were adopted at the session, which are of particular importance for the overall work of the staff of the Centre for development of the South-East planning region. The final account reports of the Centre for 2021 were also adopted.