The Centre for development of the South-East Planning Region with the support of socially responsible companies from the region implemented the initiative under the slogan “GIVE A SMILE” in kindergartens from rural areas and in day care centers for people with disabilities in the South-East planning region.
– JOUDG “July 12” in Konche and the clones in Gorni Lipović and Dolni Lipović;
– JOUDG “Aco Karamanov” in Zleovo settlements; Pokrajcevo; Yargulica; Podaresh; Oraovica; Injevo; Voislavci; Kalugericha and the clone in Shein Maale in Radovish;
– JOUDG “First joy” Vasilevo;
– JOUDG “Sun” and the Special Elementary School “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Novo Selo;
– Kindergarten “Little Nightingale” Monospitovo, Bosilovo;
– JOUDG “Kokiche” New Dojran;
– JOUDG “Kosta Pop Ristov Delchev” in Bogdanci, and in the clone in Stojakovo where the packages will be distributed additionally for the religious holiday of Christmas;
– JOUDG “Children’s Joy” in the settlements of Kuklish and Murtino;
– JOUDG “Kalinka” in the settlements of Udovo, Pirava, Brajkovci and “Detelinka” in Josifovo, as well as
– Day Centers in Radovish, Valandovo, Gevgelija and the Association for Help and Support of People with Down Syndrome “VERA”.
In the past few days, the employees of CDSEPR gave more than 800 smiles for the children in our region.
We express special gratitude to the companies Portland-opts, Zhicol, Jovi Company, Riversoft, Boni Intergradba, Dicor CD, Universal Gradba, Eurogradba, Grafo Service, Pesho Engineering and TA Atlantis, who selflessly helped in the realization of this humanitarian action.
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